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Network Security Policy 


The purpose of this Policy is to ensure secure and reliable network access and performance for HKU SPACE. This policy is intended to protect the integrity of the School network and to mitigate the risks and losses associated with security threats to the School network and information systems.


This policy applies to all network connections to and within the School.


General Aims

A reliable School network and Internet connection is provided to conduct the School's education business. Only authorized access to institutional, research or personal data and information on the School network is allowed. It protects computer system and network integrity at HKU SPACE, and specifically, protects School's computing resources from unauthorized access.

Network Connections 

  • No HKU SPACE staff or students may connect, or contract with an outsider to connect, any device or system to the School's computer networks without the prior review and approval of IT Services Unit (ITSU). 

  • All devices placed on the School's network must be registered with ITSU. 

  • Physical access to School networking equipment (routers, switches, hubs, etc.) is not permitted without the prior approval of ITSU.

Network Services

  • The School will identify the systems that will offer Internet services. To facilitate this, academic units and other administrative units must register with IT systems that require access from the Internet. 

  • The School's firewall policy is to deny all external Internet traffic to the School's network except those supporting School's operation. This policy is designed to protect School network users from attacks launched from the Internet. 

  • The School's firewall policy is to deny all non-standard internal IP traffic outbound to the Internet unless explicitly permitted. This policy is designed to protect others on the Internet from attacks launched from the School's network.

Network Security

  • Systems on the network must have adequate security installed and maintained. All systems connecting to the School network must be configured and maintained in such a manner as to prohibit unauthorized access or misuse. 

  • It is the responsibility of all HKU SPACE network users to report security problems to ITSU for investigation. ITSU will investigate, or cause to be investigated, any unauthorized access to School computer systems. 

  • Network usage judged appropriate by the School is permitted. Some activities deemed inappropriate include, but are not limited to:

    • Establishing unauthorized network devices, including a router, gateway, or remote dial-in access server; or computers with same functionalities. 

    • Engaging in network packet sniffing or snooping. 

    • Setting up of spoofing system on the network. 

    • Other unauthorized uses prohibited by other IT policies.

Network Monitoring and Auditing

  • ITS maintains traffic logs of the firewall for security auditing purposes. 

  • To safeguard the integrity and prevent from abuse of the School's computing and electronic communication resources, ITSU will monitor data traffic to detect anomalous network activity and will access, retrieve, read, and/or disclose data communications when there is reasonable cause to suspect a violation of applicable School policy or criminal law, or when monitoring is otherwise required by law.

For those not specified, the HKU Security Policies must be complied with.


Any device found to be in violation of this Policy, or found to be causing problems that may impair or disable the network in any way, is subject to corresponding disciplinary actions of the School.

Attempting to circumvent security or administrative access controls for information resources is a violation of this Policy.  Assisting someone else or requesting someone else to circumvent security or administrative access controls is also a violation of this Policy.

HKU SPACE reserves the right to modify or update this policy statement at any time without prior notice.

© 2024 HKU SPACE. All rights reserved.

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